This show is starting to get really interesting. In the first three episodes, I was way more focused on the main two characters in the story. But ever since Ep.4, I've been much more interested in the plot of the show. The show has a structure now, where they spend 2-3 episodes investigating the crime and finding out the criminal.
However, if there is one character that has caught my eye more and more, it's the villain by the name of Shugo Makishima. At first, I thought that he would just be a guy who was behind one of the crimes. The one where it looked like a game, anyways, Behind these two investigations, the villain has been behind both of these. I can say that this man is manipulative, since he disguises himself as f.ex a teacher, while in fact not being one.
Remember that scene in episode 1? Where the criminal blew himself up with a weapon and he died in the most awesome way ever? Well, that finally happened again! In episode 6, where they had found the guy who had killed two of the online personalities (cant remember their names at the moment).
Remember that scene in episode 1? Where the criminal blew himself up with a weapon and he died in the most awesome way ever? Well, that finally happened again! In episode 6, where they had found the guy who had killed two of the online personalities (cant remember their names at the moment).
If there is something that I can applaud this show for, it's the way it plays with your expectations, like f.ex in episode 3 where the guy who I felt bad for was, in fact, the criminal that they were looking for. So 1. They look for a killer, 2. The main two see a guy who I felt bad for. 3. They feel bad for him and help him. 4. It turns out that he is the killer that they were looking for with the clouded psycho-pass. Furthermore, in the first case that was in the span of episodes 4 to 5 was unexpected, it was so cool to realize that Tsunemori had gone to a person who had given her advice and then it turns out that person would die.
The characters are still developing and I'm liking them even more and more. I think that Shougi and Tsunemori will eventually end up in a relationship since everyone in the show hints at her liking him and she blushes and says "chigau", so adorable.
Speaking of Shougi, now we finally found out what had happened in his past that has made him so emotionless and deadpan nowadays. It was that his college that he was close with died in a super brutal way.
That's all for now, might update later.
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