lördag 14 december 2019

Psycho-Pass 2 Eps 9-11 & Conclusion

I just finished watching PP2 and I'm right now on a tight rope. On the one hand, this season continued off smoothly and presented a new villain with his own interesting and unique motive, as well as how he tries to abolish the sibyl system whilst using pawns in order to kill both innocent civilians and rich corporation lunatics, which was in some ways, even more, entertaining compared to S1. However, on the other hand, this season feels like a copycat of the first one, whilst at the same time ignoring many of the things that made it so great. And even those things that are enjoyable about the season are things that already existed in the last one, making this one feel non-canon and useless.

One huge reason why I was so displeased with this season was the introduction of all of the new characters, an example of a character that was not only unnecessary to the story but also obnoxious was by the name of Mika. At best, a boring and unnecessary and at worst, a whiny and useless inspector who held an unnecessary and unexplained grudge against Akane. Then, we see her character trying to stop Tsugune from clouding Akane's psycho Pass, only to fail at that and get her own one clouded. Even when she confronted the villain, her mind got broken and she couldn't come up with a response, hence the really weird clapping scene at the beginning of Episode 9.

And that's my biggest complaint with this season, many things that are presented feel weird and out of place. I.e in the ending, where Kirito and Tsugune get shot and get killed almost at the same time, which was for me incredibly anti-climatic because of the show. Another strange thing was the chief, who seems to any many different forms for some unexplained reason. Another really weird thing happening was when Akane's grandmother, who died because Togane wanted to see Akane's psycho-pass get clouded. Nothing is inherently plotwise bad about that, it's just that it doesn't make sense that at the end, Akane's psycho-pass didn't get clouded at all after everything that happened.

Speaking of Kirito and Tsugene, most of the time, they felt like copycats of Shogo and Tsugene whilst not having as interesting characterization (backstory, quirks, development, etc). Even though they had a unique intention, their personalities were way too similar to the previous characters in the show. Kamui was much weaker and fragile compared to Shogo, f.ex, in the end, he could've saved them. But instead, he tried to

The very worst thing about this show is the first 3 episodes, my god are they all TERRIBLE! We are immediately rushed into a situation where they are trying to arrest a criminal who's bombing different locations for Kamui. But we get absolutely no information about what's happening, why there even arresting him and why we should care. We just seem to have to figure that out ourselves. Which in some cases might be understandable and even necessary, but doing that in the FIRST episode of a NEW season just feels useless and out of place.

To conclude, this season hasn't been at all as good as the first one. Episode 1-3 were awful, 4 to 6 where decent and 7 to 11 had good things about it. My biggest complaints can be summed up as such: Things were too similar to the first season without being as good as the second one or barely breaking any new mold such as f.ex presenting any moral ideas and the second issue is that there's too many things that either don't make sense, are illogical, are unexplained, etc. A great example of this is how Akane's hue had the same color even after hearing about her college killing her grandmother.

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