onsdag 11 december 2019

Psycho-Pass Episode 16-20


So let's recap, Shougo Akashima got captured, escaped and we are introduced to another villain, who is the head of MWPSB!

Also, rest in peace Kagari, my boy died only for the purpose of him not telling anyone what would happen. He was the one who made everyone feel easy and comfortable. Now, as a consequence of his death, the MWBSP is starting to break down because the steaks are getting higher and the mood is getting more and more serious. Ginoza's psycho pass is starting to get clouded, Kogami has quit his job, etc.

I knew that there would be a twist, I just didn't know what it would be about and this was not what I expected. The twist has to do with the official reveal of the sibyl system! In previous episodes, we got a preview of how it looked like, where there where brains everywhere going in different directions; up and down. The explanation is what happened and it's more gruesome then what I thought it would be. The outliers of the sibyl systems' brains are used to read the criminal coefficient. What's practical about this it that those who don't belong anywhere on the sibyl system are the most useful for the system. Not only does this benefit the criminals, but also the citizens. It's decided on what makes them the happiest so the pressure of deciding what they want to do with their life is off.

But this has loads of problems, it's immoral. Like I said before, just because you have a high criminal coefficient doesn't mean that you are the criminal, likewise, if you have a low criminal coefficient doesn't mean that you're NOT a criminal. Also, why would criminals decide if you are a criminal or not? That's even more immoral.

So why explain this to Akane, who uses ethics more than any other person at Sibyl System? Well, because both the sibyl system and Akane share a similar goal: to remove criminals from the streets! But why Akane? Because she is the only person at MWBSP who is the most goal-oriented and question seeking out of her and her colleges and she's the least likely to tell anyone or do something about it. Which they're wrong about that because in late episode 20 we saw Akane taking action and making a promise with the Sibyl System that if Shogo gets captured, Kogami gets set free.

Akane's philosophy is the following: Humans should try to feel around what they want to do with their life and find the meaning themselves instead of a system figuring out it for them.

Kogami has now quit his job and is now on a mission to hunt down Shogo, which was the best thing he could do because if he stayed he had to be under control by the chief, who's brain is used by the sibyl system! I think that she's the TRUE villain of this series.

I'm beginning to also understand Shogo's philosophy. That human should act on their free will and he has wanted to see what happens when humans do. He has been fucked since Day 1, since he is an outlier of the Sibyl System where his crime coefficient can't be measured, therefore he has been alienated at what makes him human where everyone can find out what makes them happy, except for him!

Shogo has then gone on to try to answer: what makes people go over the edge? What's also interesting about him is just how independent he is from the sibyl system.

The fight that was, at the beginning, which was shown in Episode 17, is a beautiful fight between Kogami and Shogo, both of whom are masters at martial arts.

This show has now answered most questions but I have two. What I'm wondering now is first: How will the series end? Now, Shogo is planning to commit bio-terrorism at it seems like the largest manufacture facility of hyper-oats, which 99% of all food comes from. The second question I have is: Do the outliers have to switch brains with someone else in order to survive or do they just die when they become a part of the Sibyl System?

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