fredag 20 december 2019

It's Chrismas break!

It's finally Christmas break! After one and a half of having depression, I think it's now starting to move on. All I've done so far since coming home from school at 12 o'clock is eaten lunch and watched two episodes of Macross.

I'm actually quite enjoying Macross so far, it's a good 80's show but I wouldn't give it any higher than a 7. But I love the romance element in this show, it fits in extremely well.

I'm on day 8 on NoFap and during days 8-10 it gets harder, but after those days it begins to be easier again. The only thing that I need to do is to not jerk off, watch erotic media and do sexual transmutation, which what I'm doing right now with this blog post.

During this past week, I've been taking a break from the gym and guitar. When it comes to guitar, I've quit the course that I've been attending for the past two years, but that doesn't mean that I've stopped playing. The last song that I finished playing was the opening to Gurren Lagann. I need to play more anime-themed songs, that's been really fun to do.

When it comes to the gym, I'm super tired of going there and I'm going to do a new gym schedule. I'm going to focus mostly on aerobic exercises, while also doing some strength work. 

What more to say? The urge to fap is pretty strong, but I will resist.

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